Nettex eCalm is a non-magnesium based, natural calmer with a prebiotic like functionality. Developed by veterinary surgeons and scientists with proven results.*
Nettex eCalm is a non-magnesium, natural calmer which has been developed by World-leading veterinary surgeons and scientists with proven, statistically significant results. Its prebiotic like functionality has been shown to influence the horses natural gut microbiome which in turn supports calmness and well-being as well as supporting gut functionality and the maintenance of a healthy skin and coat. Trials published in Veterinary Times 2016 & 2018 demonstrate the positive effects of feeding eCalm to horses with poor behaviour.
- Results published in Veterinary Times, 2016 and 2018
Nettex eCalm was shown to significantly decrease the high behavioural scores of horses in a recent trial. Behaviour including kicking, nervousness, excitability, ears back, tenseness and unwilling to work dramatically decreased within two weeks in horses that were fed eCalm..
Made in the UK.